Thursday, January 5, 2012

Robin Thicke Gives Tips On Relationships: Dishes On Keeping Away From Temptation & Making Up After An Argument

Blue eyed soul Robin Thicke’s latest album “Love after War” is now in stores everywhere. The love guru recently stopped by BET to speak with correspondent Tony Anderson and he gave some tips and advice to help out the romantically challenged. Being married to bitchie chick Paula Patton, he’s learned quite a few things on how to maintain a success relationship, keep it fresh and sexy and make up after silly arguments.

How do you keep the spark in a relationship?
Well, as I’ve always said, lots of lingerie, high heels and a good glass of wine and the right music. You got to put the right music on. My music helps guys; I’m a closer and my music will help you close.

How do you keep the women away from you with all that temptation out there?
Have you seen my wife? For me, it’s easy but if your wife doesn’t look like mine and she’s not a beautiful person inside and out then who knows how you’re going to withstand all that temptation. But for me, I’m a very blessed man and I’m very happy, as a matter of fact, I’m very lucky and I work very hard to keep that woman happy.

You’ve got to work hard because everyday everybody wants more from life and everybody is changing. Who I was five or ten years ago, I’m not who I am now so have to change with somebody. You have to pay attention to what do they want now; what are they listening to; what are they doing now; how are they feeling now. If you pay attention to the changes you guys can change together. If you just say “Nah, I’m doing me boo. If you don’t like me…I do me.” Don’t do you, do something new! Keep it interesting; keep it sexy. Doing you is going to get boring after a few years if you keep doing the same you. Mix it up and keep it gangsta.

Was it difficult for you because I’m sure you had a lot of women trying to get at you?
It’s not difficult for me because we actually were together since high school and we go way back. So for me the only difficult thing is trying to give my very best to make her happy and she’s got to do the same. If she stops paying attention to me then the mind is going to wonder but you got to pay attention, give your all and you got to keep it funny and sexy as much as possible.

On how to make up after an argument
It’s hard for people to be vulnerable and show their weakness and want to be the first one to say, “I’m sorry.” We all think we’re extra strong and “I don’t play that! You can’t talk to me like that!” Yeah, that’s good if you want to be alone but I’ve learned that I go to my women and say “Hey, I’m sorry for what I said and I’m sorry for what I did.” Once you start saying that, it’s inevitable that if the person loves you they’re going to come back to you and say, “Well, I’m sorry for what I said and I’m sorry for what I did.” I think we all want to get to the point where we’re having a glass of wine, watching some TV, having good food, and making good loving. You can’t go back there until someone says I’m sorry for what I done earlier today.

I learned to try to be the first person to say it and then she started to do the same thing. If she was a little out of line, she’ll come to me and say, “I’m sorry for what I just said. I’m a little bit upset or anxious about my job or about the baby or about something else.” It’s not always about you; you just can’t take out that frustration on anybody but the one you love. So you have to pay attention and go “Hey, that wasn’t even about you. I’m just scared or nervous about what I’m doing and I just took it out on you. Let me apologize and start the healing process.

View the original article here


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